Attention goes to many things
This term has come from the Deaf Community
To not consume, in this context - all forms of drugs/alcohol
For more information visit the New Zealand Williams Syndrome Association
Figurative - Māuiui i.e. 'out of balance'
Emphasising connection as opposed to addiction
Literal - Wero i.e. Challenge
Relaxants, sleep and anti-anxiety medications
To reinforce the walls of the Whare Tapawhā model of health
Many pathways to wellbeing
Odd numbered chromosome
From 'tōku/tōna anō takiwā' - 'my/his/her own time and space'
Person with some visual ability
Person with many challenges
Dialect variation
Dialect variation
Tohu Mate - Illness symptom, Tohu Māuiwi - Disorder symptom
To have strength, to have ability, otherly abled, enabled. A word created within the Māori disabled community.
Eg - He whare whakatapoko - an accessible building